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ipl ranking – NBA was once approved by Brian as ineligible to travel to Lake before the league and vowed to “return” to the NBA

Smush Parker, a “young player” who had traveled to the lake in 2005, recently received new news.

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He, who is currently a basketball referee, recently posted an article on the social network website, saying that his goal is to “return” to the NBA and become the fourth player to become an NBA referee after retirement.

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Parker is currently serving as a referee in regional competitions in the United States, including the TBL mini professional league.

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Parker wrote on his personal IG earlier, saying that only three former NBA players returned to the league as referees, and he was trying to become the fourth person. As soon as the news came out, the Bleacher Report also released his photos and films when he was blowing the sentence.

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Parker played for the Lakers from 2005 to 2007. After two seasons, he played full time. He once became the main player of the Lakers in that year. However, his most famous event was that the late player Kobe Bryant once criticized him for not being qualified to be an NBA player.

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After leaving the Lakers, Parker continued his “ronin” career, stayed in the Heat and Clipper respectively in the 2007-2008 season, and then there was no NBA record, He has spent his career in the Cavaliers, Pistons, Suns, Lakers, Clippers and Heat, leaving a score card with an average of 9 points, 2.4 rebounds and 2.9 assists, of which the average score of the Lakers in the two seasons has exceeded 10 points.