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ipl scores – six6s cricket – NBA’s 4th game of the season, 50 points, Dong Qiqi catches the piston

Luka Doncic, the leader of the solo ranger, retired from the previous service due to ankle sprain, and returned to play against the main piston in the Eastern District on the 31st.

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He scored 53 points, 8 rebounds, 5 assists, 17 shots from 24 shots, and 5 shots from the outside line, including a key strike 46 seconds before the end, and led the team to win 111-105. This is the fourth time that Dongqi scored 50 points in a single game of this season, and this game scored 24 points in the first quarter.

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The Pistons had no choice but to foul Dong Qiqi. Assistant coach Jerome Allen tried to use words to attack him.

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Dong Qiqi walked to the sideline and choked with Allen during the timeout. Before the conflict heated up, he was pulled away by the referee and the lone ranger teammates.

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Dongqi said, “That was the beginning of their assistant coach. He choked me in the first quarter. They didn’t like me to answer back and told me to concentrate on playing.

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If they wanted to choke me, I would choke back. I’m not afraid.” The two sides simply choked on each other and didn’t step on the red line.

This is the fifth time that Dongqi has scored 50 points in a single game in his career, with four times concentrated in this season, including the career maximum of 60 points against Nick last December. After the war broke out in the first quarter, he scored 18 points in the second half in the third quarter. The last 46 seconds left the lone ranger 4 points ahead. The piston Bojan Bogdanovic missed the three-point line. It seemed that he was fouled but the whistle didn’t go off. This missed hit was equivalent to the early defeat of Jose. The head coach Dwane Casey expressed his dissatisfaction after the game. The Pistons’ highest score was Podanovic’s 29 points. They were called for 31 fouls (concentrated on Dongqi) in this game, and the lone ranger only had 18.