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ipl rights – Crystal Palace vs Man United – NBA/Not willing to end the season with small losses. The Nets carefully evaluate Durant’s injury

Kevin Durant is expected to be absent for at least 3 to 4 weeks due to the sprain of the medial collateral ligament of his right knee.

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Although some media are optimistic that he is expected to return to the stadium before the All-Star Game on February 19, it is still unknown whether he can play at this stage.

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In this regard, the head coach of the Nets, Jacque Vaughn, is cautious about Durant’s injury.

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“We haven’t discussed whether Durant can participate in the All-Star Game next month. I hope his injury will not be so serious, and I hope he can play,” Feng said.

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The Nets will play five consecutive games away from home. Whether Durant will attend with the team or not, Feng En is also reserved.

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“We are still considering whether to let Durant go out with the team. We don’t want him to sit on the bench, in case a player collides with him when fighting or saving the ball.”

Due to the injury problem, Durant has been absent from the All-Star Game for three consecutive years. This season, the Nets ignited the hope of fighting for the championship of the Eastern Conference and even the championship. The team is more cautious about Durant’s injury situation, and does not want to lose a lot, even if it may have to pay the price of declining performance.