ipl live

ipl live – Groningen – In NBA, Lillard hit a new high of 50 points this season. The useless pioneer was reversed by the Cavaliers and suffered five consecutive losses

Damian Lillard, the pioneer, scored a new high of 50 points this season today, but the Cavaliers overcame the disadvantage of leading by up to 14 points in the fourth quarter. Under the leadership of Donovan Mitchell and Jarrett Allen, who scored 60 points, the Cavaliers won 119:113 in the end and rewarded the pioneer with five consecutive defeats. ipl live The Cavaliers’ five starters scored all double, Mitchell scored the highest 26 points of…

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ipl scores

ipl scores – NBA/Mitchell returned to Salt Lake City and lost 46 points to Clarkson

Jordan Clarkson, who was expelled from the game because of malicious “Batou” foul in the previous game, played the role of saviour in the face of the Eastern Knights at home today. At the end of the fourth quarter, he played a 9-0 attack with one hand, leading the Jazz to directly reverse the game, and took the knight away with 116-114 gas, which also left a regret for Donovan Mitchell, who “returned to his…

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